How to Get Paid Traffic for Affiliate Marketing


 In the world of Affiliate marketing, more conversion means more Money. It's very important as an Affiliate marketer to know how to get traffic to your affiliate links. The simple truth is there is no magic to getting traffic to your affiliate links. There are only two ways to get traffic to your affiliate links. One is by Free Traffic and the other is Paid Traffic. In my previous article, I discussed intensively how to Get Free Traffic to your affiliate links. In this post, I will be sharing how you can get Paid Traffic to your affiliate links. As an Affiliate Beginner, you can start with the free traffic method but once you start seeing conversions, you need to upgrade to paid traffic to get more conversions and make more money with Affiliate marketing. Below are ways to get paid traffic to your Marketing links.

DISCLOSURE: This post contains Affiliate Links, which means if you click and make a purchase we may get a commission at no extra charges on you. We only promote products and services that we have personally used and found to be helpful.


  1. Using Email Marketing to Promote Your affiliate links. 

Paid Traffic for Affiliate Marketing

If you want to get paid traffic to your affiliate links, you need to have your website ( the need to have your website as an affiliate marketer cannot be overemphasized), you need to subscribe to an email marketing service, and start collecting email addresses from your website visitors and fans. Aweber or Builderall is a good place to start. When you have an email list, you can start sending customized targeted emails straight to the inbox of your email subscribers. There are different tactics or kinds of email to use if you want to drive massive traffic to your affiliate links. Some of them are:

i. Welcome Email

A welcome email is the first email you will send to anyone who subscribes to your email list. It is a sure way to get traffic to your affiliate links. When people subscribe to your email list, they do so because they like your content and want to get more from you. It is your duty as a good affiliate marketer to know how to write a compelling welcome email that can make your new email subscribers feel at home with you and want to know more about you and your business. When you are writing your welcome email, remember to show appreciation to your new subscribers. Something like "Hi John Thank You for signing up to our email list" can mean a lot to your new email subscriber. Then go-ahead to introduce yourself better to your subscribers as some of them may have signed up to your email list without knowing much about you or your business. Clear confusion in their mind and help them to trust you by clearly sharing the information they should be expecting to receive from you in your subsequent newsletters. Then give them some freebies or incentives to express the depth of your hospitality and generosity. The truth is many people like free things. So if you promised to give a free ebook, video, or guide for signing up to your email list, try to deliver at your word. The last thing you should not forget to include in your welcome email is your affiliate links. While your subscribers are waiting for your next newsletter, they can get helpful resources from the affiliate products you recommended in your welcome email. You don't have to keep writing a welcome email now and then. You can build one time Welcome Email Template which you will automatically send to every new visitor who subscribes to your email list. Any time someone subscribes to your email list, your email marketing service provider will automatically send them your already customized Welcome Email on autopilot while you are sleeping. You can make money online while you sleep with email marketing. It's so amazing and very simple. 

ii. Email Signature

You can get traffic to your affiliate links by using powerful business email signatures when replying or sending emails to your subscribers. A compelling email signature should have among other things, but very briefly, your name and last name, title and department, email address and telephone number, company logo and company name, company physical address, Disclaimer, social media icons linked to your official website profile and lastly your Affiliate links Banner. But make sure your affiliate links' banner design matches your website's visual identity. Avoid poorly designed affiliate banners. Make your affiliate link banner clickable, so it can generate leads to your affiliate links.

iii. Newsletter Email Marketing

You can get traffic to your affiliate links by sending daily, weekly or monthly newsletters to your email subscribers. Insert your affiliate links in your Newsletters, your subscribers will like to know if you have any new products or resources you can recommend that will help them grow their business. Chances are, they are going to click those affiliate links and buy your affiliate products. When you are sending weekly Outreach Newsletters to your email subscribers without including your affiliate links in the Newsletter, you are leaving money on the table. Every newsletter you send should contain helpful resources that can engage your subscribers and help them improve and grow their business or service.


iv. Cold Mailing

You can get traffic to your affiliate links through what I called sending Cold Mailing. I don't recommend spamming people who are not interested in your content or affiliate product with your affiliate links. Cold mailing is all about choosing a specific group of people that are interested in a specific product, growing your communication with them, and in return recommending a specific product that will help them grow their business. It may be only 100 or 200 people who are interested in one particular product, if you can get 5 people out of the 100 in your Cold Mail list to buy your affiliate product, you are likely going to have a high earning, especially if the affiliate program has a recurring commission. For instance, SEMRUSH pays you a 40% recurring commission for one new user you referred to them. Check 40% for doing nothing, multiply it by 5 people every month, that's a huge amount of money. 

2. Google Ad

Paid Traffic for Affiliate Marketing

In business, we use money to get more money. The same applies to the affiliate marketing business. You can get paid traffic to your affiliate links by using google ads services. Google ads is an online advertising platform owned by Google which allows advertisers to drive targeted traffic to their website or business by biding to display google ads to web users. So each time web users search for any keyword related to your ads, Google shows your ads to the web user. Google is ranked as the world's largest search engine with over 4 billion users worldwide. When you subscribe to Google ads services, they can send targeted traffic to your website or affiliate links. That's very simple. To get started, 

A. visit and sign up for free with your Google account. 

B. Put in your website Url or any webpage where you want people to go when they click your ad.

In my case, I put in

The webpage you are using should be relevant to your ads and the affiliate products you want to sell. You can send traffic from your Google ads to your website homepage or sales page. After you have entered your website URL, Google will review your website information and present you the Mobile and Desktop screen view of your website.

C. Write Your Ad

Write a compelling and attractive Headline. Write a good description for your ad with relevant keywords. Click the show a call button in your ad if you want that, enter your phone number, and click Next.

 D. Add keyword searches to match your search theme

You can choose keywords related to your affiliate product or website and click next.

E. Choose the right place you want people who view your ad to come from.

You can choose targeted cities, states, and countries where you want people to click your ad. I advise you to choose these four developed countries, America, Canada, Australia, and United Kingdom. That's because you need people who can click your ads and buy your products. You don't need your ads to be viewed by people from third-world countries who don't have any interest in your product or money to buy.

E. Set a budget for your ad that is comfortable for you. 

Google ads allow you to get an estimated 40-90 ad clicks per month with a $50 monthly subscription budget. When your budget higher than your competitor's range, your ads can get you the kind of result you want. You can start with a lower amount and upgrade later.

F. Preview your ad to ensure you got it right. Click Next and confirm your Payment Information. Proceed to checkout 

And boom your ad is up and active. You can as well use Canva Pro to design your Google ads to get more conversions and profits. 


If you have never tried using paid traffic method to get traffic to your affiliate links, I recommend you try Email marketing and Google ads and see how it goes. Both methods will cost you some money but at the end of the day, they will also help you to make more money. If you have any questions regarding the best email marketing services you can use, reach out to me in the comment box below. 

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